Next.js 15 + React 19
将 shadcn/ui 与 Next.js 15 和 React 19 结合使用。
更新:我们在 canary
版本中添加了对 React 19 和 Tailwind v4 的完全支持。有关更多信息,请参阅 Tailwind v4 的文档。
¥Update: We have added full support for React 19 and Tailwind v4 in the
release. See the docs for Tailwind v4 for more
以下指南适用于任何支持 React 19 的框架。我将此页面命名为 "Next.js 15 + React 19",以帮助升级到 Next.js 15 的人找到它。我们正在与软件包维护者合作以帮助升级到 React 19。
¥The following guide applies to any framework that supports React 19. I titled this page "Next.js 15 + React 19" to help people upgrading to Next.js 15 find it. We are working with package maintainers to help upgrade to React 19.
如果你使用的是 npm
,你可以使用标志安装 shadcn/ui 依赖。shadcn
CLI 将提示你在运行时选择一个标志。pnpm、bun 或 yarn 不需要标志。
¥If you're using npm
, you can install shadcn/ui dependencies with a flag. The shadcn
CLI will prompt you to select a flag when you run it. No flags required for pnpm, bun, or yarn.
请参阅 升级状态 了解每个包对 React 19 的支持状态。
¥See Upgrade Status for the status of React 19 support for each package.
¥What's happening?
React 19 现在是 rc,是 在最新的 Next.js 15 版本中经过测试和支持。
¥React 19 is now rc and is tested and supported in the latest Next.js 15 release.
要支持 React 19,软件包维护者需要测试和更新他们的软件包以将 React 19 作为对等依赖包含在内。这是 already in progress。
¥To support React 19, package maintainers will need to test and update their packages to include React 19 as a peer dependency. This is already in progress.
"peerDependencies": {
- "react": "^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0",
+ "react": "^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0",
- "react-dom": "^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0"
+ "react-dom": "^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0"
你可以通过运行 npm info <package> peerDependencies
检查包是否将 React 19 列为对等依赖。
¥You can check if a package lists React 19 as a peer dependency by running
npm info <package> peerDependencies
与此同时,如果你安装的软件包未将 React 19 列为对等依赖,你将看到如下错误消息:
¥In the meantime, if you are installing a package that does not list React 19 as a peer dependency, you will see an error message like this:
npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: my-app@0.1.0
npm error Found: react@19.0.0-rc-69d4b800-20241021
npm error node_modules/react
npm error react@"19.0.0-rc-69d4b800-20241021" from the root project
注意:这仅适用于 npm。PNPM 和 Bun 只会显示静默警告。
¥Note: This is npm only. PNPM and Bun will only show a silent warning.
¥How to fix this
解决方案 1:--force
或 --legacy-peer-deps
¥Solution 1: --force
or --legacy-peer-deps
你可以使用 --force
或 --legacy-peer-deps
¥You can force install a package with the --force
or the --legacy-peer-deps
npm i <package> --force
npm i <package> --legacy-peer-deps
¥This will install the package and ignore the peer dependency warnings.
解决方案 2:使用 React 18
¥Solution 2: Use React 18
你可以将 react
和 react-dom
降级到版本 18,该版本与你正在安装的包兼容,并在依赖更新时升级。
¥You can downgrade react
and react-dom
to version 18, which is compatible with the package you are installing and upgrade when the dependency is updated.
npm i react@18 react-dom@18
¥Whichever solution you choose, make sure you test your app thoroughly to ensure there are no regressions.
在 Next.js 15 上使用 shadcn/ui
¥Using shadcn/ui on Next.js 15
使用 pnpm、bun 或 yarn
¥Using pnpm, bun, or yarn
按照 安装指南 中的说明安装 shadcn/ui。不需要标记。
¥Follow the instructions in the installation guide to install shadcn/ui. No flags are needed.
使用 npm
¥Using npm
当你运行 npx shadcn@latest init -d
¥When you run npx shadcn@latest init -d
, you will be prompted to select an option to resolve the peer dependency issues.
It looks like you are using React 19.
Some packages may fail to install due to peer dependency issues (see
? How would you like to proceed? › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Use --force
Use --legacy-peer-deps
¥You can then run the command with the flag you choose.
¥Adding components
¥The process for adding components is the same as above. Select a flag to resolve the peer dependency issues.
¥Remember to always test your app after installing new dependencies.
¥Upgrade Status
为了方便你跟踪升级进度,我在下面创建了一个表格,其中包含 shadcn/ui 依赖的 React 19 支持状态。
¥To make it easy for you track the progress of the upgrade, I've created a table below with React 19 support status for the shadcn/ui dependencies.
✅ - 使用 npm、pnpm 和 bun 与 React 19 配合使用。
¥✅ - Works with React 19 using npm, pnpm, and bun.
🚧 - 使用 pnpm 和 bun 与 React 19 配合使用。需要 npm 标志。PR 正在进行中。
¥🚧 - Works with React 19 using pnpm and bun. Requires flag for npm. PR is in progress.
包 | 状态 | 注意 |
radix-ui | ✅ | |
lucide-react | ✅ | |
class-variance-authority | ✅ | 未将 React 19 列为对等依赖。 |
tailwindcss-animate | ✅ | 未将 React 19 列为对等依赖。 |
embla-carousel-react | ✅ | |
recharts | ✅ | 参见注释 below |
react-hook-form | ✅ | |
react-resizable-panels | ✅ | |
sonner | ✅ | |
react-day-picker | ✅ | 与 npm 标志配合使用。正在努力升级到 v9。 |
input-otp | ✅ | |
vaul | ✅ | |
@radix-ui/react-icons | 🚧 | 参见 PR #194 |
cmdk | ✅ |
如果你有任何疑问,请在 GitHub 上联系 打开问题。
¥If you have any questions, please open an issue on GitHub.
要将 recharts 与 React 19 一起使用,你需要覆盖 react-is
¥To use recharts with React 19, you will need to override the react-is
Add the following to your package.json
"overrides": {
"react-is": "^19.0.0-rc-69d4b800-20241021"
版本需要与你使用的 React 19 版本相匹配。以上是示例。
¥Note: the react-is
version needs to match the version of React 19 you are using. The above is an example.